Crazy & Funny

A blog about all crazy and funny things

How to Make Your Own Clothes

Step 1
Look for cheap cloth patterns by browsing sites such as eBay and Craig list. This way you will save money upfront before even you start making your clothes. Some websites will offer 50 percent or even more off on patterns so look around before you buy anything.
Step 2
Choose patterns that come in more than 1 style. This way you will have a bit of variety over what you make as well as being able to make other items with the same material. Buying in bulk will also save you money in the long run.
Step 3
Look around different stores and try and haggle a bit. Look at online forums and discuss where people get their fabric from and try and find that best deal.
Step 4
Be creative and use anything you can find, whether it be old bits of fabric from old projects or from unused items of clothing, the possibilities are endless.
Step 5
Sign up for coupons and money off vouchers. Have a look on forums such as moneysaving expert, and browse around for voucher codes and promotions which you could use to save yourself money.
Step 6
Stock up before you start on everything you will need. Extra fabric, needles thread etc. This will save you time when you are doing the project instead of having to go out any buy something, because you will have it already.
Step 7
When and if looking for a sewing machine instead of paying a fortune for one brand new try and get hold of a good quality second hand one. Usually just as good as rand new they will save you a lot of money and will still work as well. If you can, you could even do without a sewing machine and use a needle and thread.

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