Crazy & Funny

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Future Princess Quits Job

An aide to Kate Middleton, the soon to be wife of Prince William, has announced that the engaged project manager, has quit her job so that she can concentrate on royal duties.
Miss Middleton was working for her parents party supply business, but it seems that she has now stepped down from this position and allowed other members of the business to take over the role. She will need to start getting used to her new role as Princess and she has a huge wedding to plan and will also have to get used to acting like a Princess.
She will also start taking on more royal duties and once married on April 29th will have to give all her time to working for the Royal Family.
Having worked for a party planning business, she should have all the necessary skills for planning the wedding of the decade, but it is likely that she has never planned something of quite such a big scale! The business, is worth millions of pounds and so she will not be shy of spending money or being in a rich family, but she still has very humble backgrounds. This is possibly what has made her so appealing to the public, but she will have to work hard to maintain that appeal as sadly, the royal princesses have had a problem with keeping on the right side of the public.
The soon to be princess will be known as Catherine, once she is married, but her full title will not be announced until nearer the time. It is traditional for the Queen to decide on what the title will be a few days before the wedding, as she did for The Earl and Countess of Wessex (Prince Edward and Sophie). Many people have speculated on what it might be with ‘Her Royal Highness Princess William of Wales’ being a possibility but unfortunately not a very feminine title and does not sound very modern. However, by calling her ‘Princess Catherine’ it may sound like she was the Queen’s daughter rather than her daughter-in-law. Had William been next in line for the throne he would be Prince of Wales and she would be Princess of Wales, as were Prince Charles and Lady Diana. However, with Charles still next in line, he still has the Prince of Wales title and so this has made matters more complicated. The Queen does have the option of making William and Duke and then they would have a combined title of Duke and Duchess and it is traditional for Princes to to either get a dukedom or earldom when marrying. Some feel that William might turn down a title as he is well known as Prince William but others feel that it is unlikely that he would go against his Grandmothers wishes. However, it seems like the press have already adopted the title of ‘Princess Kate’ and so whatever she is to be known as formerly, the public are likely to know her as that.

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