Crazy & Funny

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Best Zombie movies

I think we all have zombies on the brain these days. Why? Well, they are an icon of pop culture that has just exploded in recent years. Maybe it is because we, as humans, always have an underlying, impending fear of disease on an apocalyptic scale. Or, maybe it is because we enjoy the thrill of bands of survivors trying to stay alive. Whichever the case, not all zombie movies are created equal, which leads us to this article… what are the best zombie movies hands down? Well, here are some of my picks, and why.

28 Days Later

This movie is an excellent zombie movie with an excellent plot. Unlike some zombie movies, the people on this movie seem believable and lifelike. Also, the plot takes you for a pretty wild ride, unlike some zombie movies that are just all about the gore. This one at least has a pretty developed character base, which makes it seem all that much more believable. This is the story of the RAGE virus, and how it infects thousands of people, turning them into vicious, infected zombies.

28 days later
28 days later

28 Weeks Later

This is the sequel to 28 Days later, and takes place in Britain after the virus has supposedly been defeated. The infected has allegedly died out, and the reconstruction has begun. However, one survivor, who has the ability to carry the virus, threatens to undue all that has been done. While the plot in this one leaves a bit to be desired, the shock value and the pure, raw intensity and ferocity of the zombies themselves make this an INTENSE movie to watch. You have never seen zombies this vicious, I swear.

28 Weeks Later
28 Weeks Later

I am Legend

Will Smith stars in this adventure/biological thriller classic about KV, the killer virus. It infect millions. Most die, but some turn into hyped up “zombies” who have reverted back to their primitive, basic instincts…. Kill and eat to stay alive.  Will Smith’s character is immune to the virus, and he takes it upon himself to stay behind while everyone evacuates the city. Being a military doctor, he works to find a cure. This movie may deviate a bit from the classic zombie feel, but nonetheless is a zombie movie to contend with. Also, Will Smith’s amazing acting abilities shine in this movie, making it a fun one to watch whether you like zombies or not.

I am Legend
I am Legend

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