Crazy & Funny

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Hospital Trip for Charlie Sheen

It has been reported that after suffering from severe stomach pains, Charlie Sheen was rushed to hospital in Los Angeles.
Witnesses saw the actor being put in to an ambulance at 7am on 27th January, placed on a stretcher and he went to the local Cedars-Sinai hospital. Two women were seen to go with him.
TMZ, a gossip website, reported that he was having the stomach pains after a wild party which he had thrown at his Los Angeles home and when his condition did not improve an ambulance was called. It seems that he is still in hospital and his father Martin Sheen and mother Janet Templeton are said to be with him at the moment, but nothing has been said about what caused the pains or whether there is something seriously wrong with him. Reports just say that he is resting there at the moment.

Sheen, 45, was in the news just a few days ago when it was reported that he had been with three different porn stars during a trip to Las Vegas. He had been drinking with a woman, while there for a porn convention and was at The Palms Hotel and Casino bar and then returned to his room with her. It was revealed that he had spent $10,000 onĀ  this escort and then a further $8,000 each on two other escorts, during the course of his stay. He told the one girl, named Ginger, that she was his type and that this would not just be a one night stand. It seems that he had contacted her online initially and she reported that they had a very good time together. She was the more expensive of the escorts he dated and he said that he would be contacting her next time he was in Las Vegas. The actor allegedly did drugs in front of her after having been partying for the whole night and she said that he was obviously already high. It was also reported that he had other girls visit him in his suite including Bree Olsen who is a porn star and Michelle McGee, Jesse James’ ex-mistress.
Sheen had hired a sober coach last year, to try to help him but had then sacked him after he trashed a hotel room in New York, while in the city with his children and ex-wife. It was alleged that his assistant found him naked and covered in cocaine in his room and he never got in touch with the coach again.
Charlie Sheen’s ex-wife Denise Richards has previously stated her concern for her ex-husband and how she tries to protect their children, six year old Sam and five year old Lola, from it all. She stated in a recent interview that their relationship was a lot better and they had been having fun together with the children in New York until the unfortunate incident occurred. She also said that it was becoming difficult to prevent the children from finding out about the unfortunate behaviour of their father.

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