Crazy & Funny

A blog about all crazy and funny things

How to make Halloween Treats

A lot of people buy their Halloween treats these days but it is really nice to make them yourself. It makes everything feel seasonal if you are baking and it can be quite simple too. You can just buy some Halloween shaped cutters, things like ghosts and pumpkins and use your favourite cookie recipe to make some fun snacks. If you fancy making something else then you could make some caramel apples. It is very easy to just push an apple on a stick and then melt some caramel candies and dip the apple in it. You can roll it in crushed nuts if you wish. If you want to do something more healthy to give to the children coming around the doors then you could always make a healthy trail mix from peanuts, raisins and chocolate chips. The great thing about all of these things as that they are so simple to make that you can do them with the children and they could probably even manage to do it on their own if they are a bit older.

If you want something to eat as part of your Halloween meal then it is a great idea to use your spare pumpkin and use it to make a pumpkin pie. However, for something a bit different you could make a pumpkin soup which is very simple. Just fry some onions in a little oil, add the pumpkin and then add a little vegetable stock. Blend until smooth and then serve with some cream.
If you want something savoury and fun, as an alternative to all of the sweet things that are around at this time of the year, then a great idea is to put some cream cheese on a cracker, digestive or bagel and then let the children use slices of fruit and vegetables to make spooky creatures. Owl’s are a good idea but it is great to let them use their own imagination and make whatever they like. It is a great way of getting them to eat fruit as well because they are more likely to eat something that they have made.

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