Crazy & Funny

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How to make a Mojito

Making a Mojito is something that some people do very well. Once you have mastered the basics then it should be easy for everyone to make the perfect one. You may not have all of the ingredients but substituting them may change the flavour and so you may want to buy the correct ones or compare them to see which ones you personally prefer. You will need mint leaves,. Bitters, limes, ice, white or light rum, sugar cane juice and club soda. Use a tall glass, preferably a mojito glass and put in 5-6 mint leaves, 3 drops bitters and 3 lime quarters. It is a good idea to slightly crush the mint to extract the flavour. Fill the glass with ice and then pour over 2 ounces of rum. Then top up the glass with the syrup leaving just half an inch for the soda. Cover the top of the glass and shake for a few seconds to mix all of the ingredients and then put your remaining lime wedge on the side of the glass and add a straw and sugar cane stick.

If you want to get a different flavour then you can exchange the sugar can juice with a simple syrup.  You just dissolve sugar in boiling water (in equal volumes) and leave it to cool. It provides a smoother drink because the sugar is already dissolved and it is likely to be sweeter which will suit people who like a very sweet drink.
Another version of the mojito is the Cuban mojito. This is made with granulated sugar rather than a sugar solution. The drink is made in a similar way to the original but the sugar is added at the beginning with the mint and lime and a larger volume of club soda is used. It is shaken up but because the sugar is unlikely to completely dissolve, there will be a grainy texture to the drink. It may also vary in sweetness through the drink if not shaken thoroughly and this can make it a more interesting mixture.

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